English activities and surveys for Y6 students
Wouu!Is so amacing how classic music of Mozart can be rock onli changing instruments.Is so cool how play that boy guitar!!!Ángela.
I like this video becouse the guitar electric =DCristian
The music is very good but the boy is......I not have word for describe this person =)Ruben Lopez
the video of Amadeus rock is...is goooooooooood.NATALIApostsscrip:i like because there is a guitar electric
Wouu The boy is a crak in the guitar play the guitar.I lisent more than 15 times I like this video .Gema.
When do we need to bring the work of important people??Please answer me quikly becose Im not in class the day Dani sayd it!Ángela.
Is good but I dont like very much the rock music oooooooh JAJAJA LAURA
We like becouse are very good the song and we never listen this songCandela y María Escribano
I like also becouse these man play the guitar very good... :DBy Laura
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Is so amacing how classic music of Mozart can be rock onli changing instruments.
Is so cool how play that boy guitar!!!
I like this video becouse the guitar electric =D
The music is very good
but the boy is......
I not have word for describe this person =)
Ruben Lopez
the video of Amadeus rock is...
is goooooooooood.
i like because there is a guitar electric
Wouu The boy is a crak in the guitar play the guitar.
I lisent more than 15 times I like this video .
When do we need to bring the work of important people??
Please answer me quikly becose Im not in class the day Dani sayd it!
Is good but I dont like very much the rock music oooooooh JAJAJA
We like becouse are very good the song and we never listen this song
Candela y María Escribano
I like also becouse these man play the guitar very good... :D
By Laura
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